Albuquerque Daylily Society Show
Sunday, June 23, 2024 Albuquerque Garden Center
Entries for Horticulture, Design and Photography
8:30 am – 10 am
Show and Sale: 1 pm – 4 pm

“Daylily Olympians at Their Best”
SECTION 1: TRICOLOR - ALL FRESH plant materials. Eligible for the Tricolor Award.
All Classes must have a 3x5 card listing the plant materials.
Please name the daylily/daylilies if known.
Class A: “Introducing Sport Climbing” – A Traditional Line or Line-Mass Design featuring a Daylily/Daylilies. Other plant materials are allowed, but must be ALL FRESH. Eligible for the Tricolor Award. Traditional Line or Line-Mass Design requirements can be found in the 2017 NGC Handbook for Flower Shows on pages 70-71.
Class B: “Team Sport Huddle” – A Traditional Mass Design of ALL FRESH plant materials with an emphasis on Daylilies. Eligible for the Tricolor Award. Traditional Mass Design requirements can be found in the 2017 NGC Handbook for Flower Shows on pages 70-71.
Class C: “Springboard Diving” – A Traditional Line Design with water visible. Design must include a Daylily/Daylilies with additional ALL FRESH plant materials. Eligible for the Tricolor Award. Line Design requirements can be found in the 2017 NGC Handbook for Flower Shows on pages 70-71.
SECTION 2: DESIGNER’S CHOICE – Eligible for the Designer’s Choice.
The Design must have one or more Daylilies. Additional plant materials may be fresh,
dried/treated, or a combination. FRESH plant materials may not be treated.
All Classes must have a 3x5 card listing the plant materials. Please name the daylily/daylilies if known.
Class D: “Track and Field Competitions” – A Creative Parallel Design featuring a Daylily/Daylilies with additional plant materials. Additional plant materials may be fresh, dried/treated, or a combination. FRESH plant materials may not be treated. Parallel Design requirements can be found in the 2017 NGC Handbook for Flower Shows on page 75.
Class E: “Tennis Stars“ – A Transparency Design featuring a Daylily/Daylilies. Other plant materials may be used, and may be fresh, dried/treated, or a combination. FRESH plant materials may not be treated. Transparency Design requirements can be found in the 2017 NGC Handbook for Flower Shows on page 77.
Class F: “Pre-Event Carbo Loading“ – An Exhibition Table Design featuring a Daylily/Daylilies. Other plant materials may be used, and may be fresh, dried/treated, or a combination. FRESH plant materials may not be treated. Exhibition Table Design requirements can be found in the 2017 NGC Handbook for Flower Shows on page 76.
1. Daylilies must be the dominant flower in all arrangements.
2. The following are not allowed - Artificial plant material, American or other Countries Flags, plants on the NM threatened or invasive list, live animals or taxidermal specimens.
3. Fresh plant material may NEVER be treated by spraying, dyeing, painting, etc.
4. If used, dried plant material may be treated (painted, dyed, etc.)
5. Exhibitors are allowed only one entry per class.
6. All designs will be placed on the countertops adjacent to the walls of the Pinion Room. All Design Classes are limited to a space of 30” wide x 28” deep x 42” high.
7. The designer has the freedom to use accessory items, underlays, or staging panels of his/hers choosing. If used, they must conform to the allotted space requirements.
8. Designs must be arranged by a single exhibitor.
9. Any cut fruit/s or vegetable/s must be properly sealed.
10. A 3”X5” card is required for listing all plant materials used. An additional 3”X5” card of explanation may be used for any design.
11. Judging of the Design Division will be performed by a panel of National Garden Club, Inc. judges, according to National Garden Club standards. Judge should indicate on the entry tag those entries that point score at or above 90 in the event that said entry does not receive a blue ribbon.
12. Classes may be awarded 1 - 1st place blue ribbon, 1 - 2nd place red ribbon, 1 - 3rd place yellow ribbon and unlimited honorable mention ribbons, if merited.
13. Both top Design Division entries, Tricolor and Designer’s Choice, must have scored 95 points or above to receive the top awards.
14. The exhibitor who wins the Tricolor or Designer’s Choice Award must be a member of AHS or must join at the show after winning in order to receive the award. Each section must have at least THREE CLASSES with at least FOUR ENTRIES in each class in order to award either the Tricolor or Designer’s Choice Award.
15. A SWEEPSTAKES AWARD will be awarded to the designer with the most blue ribbons.
The Design Chairman/Consultant will be available to answer questions regarding any design class both prior to, and on the day of, the show.
Contact Debi Harrington at 505-206-0930 for a reservation for placement in the Design Section.