Council of Albuquerque Garden Clubs
Member Clubs, Organizations & Societies
& Affiliates
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Albuquerque African Violet Club
Share the joy of growing African Violets by exchanging knowledge, experience and plants. Show & Sale in April.
Meet: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1 pm
Contact: Michael Garcia • 505-385-1527
Albuquerque Area Extension Master Gardeners
They train and educate experienced gardeners in horticulture for volunteer service to the community in a number of projects, including the Master Gardener Hotline.
Meet: 14 week training sessions begin every January
Contact: Randy Verble • abqmgcoord@gmail.com • abqmastergardeners.org
Albuquerque Aril & Iris Society
They promote the knowledge, culture and appreciation of the genus Iris and instruct the general public on the correct gardening procedures by means of educational programs and presentations. Show in April and plant sale in July.
Meet: 3rd Sunday of the month February through October at 2pm unless otherwise identified
Contact: Rae Phillips • 505-235-5992 • raecyp65@gmail.com • albuquerquearilandirissociety.com
Albuquerque Daylily Society
They promote study and appreciation of daylilies through cooperation with the American Hemerocallis Society. They have daylily shows, sales and tours.
Meet: 6 times per year, Saturdays at 9:30 am in members’ homes.
Contact: Amy Howard • 505-250 2318 • hemiaym@gmail.com • albuquerquedaylilysociety.org
Albuquerque Rose Society
They promote educational and social activities regarding the history, cultivation and exhibition of roses. They have both a Spring Show & Fall Exhibition and maintain the Albuquerque Rose Garden at the Tony Hillerman Library.
Meet: 2nd Wednesday of most months at 7 pm
Contact: Dorothy Brethauer • 505-504-5870 • groundg@abqgardencenter.org • albuquerquerose.com
Cactus and Succulent Society of New Mexico
Educate and inform public on all aspects of cactus and succulent culture; provide opportunities for discussion and learning among members. Show & sale in April.
Meet: 3rd Wednesday, most months at 7 pm
Contact: Matthew-Ryan Morrell • 505-917-9597 • cssofnm@gmail.com • new-mexico.cactus-society.org
High Desert Floral Design Club
An educational club designed for the advanced study of floral design within the National Garden Club. Membership dues are $25/year.
Meet: 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Garden Center in the Pinon room
Contact: Shirley Tetreault • 505-294-4331 or 505-259-2263
Ikebana International
Presentations and workshops on Japanese art of flower design and the understanding of related cultural subjects.
Meet: 1st Wednesday of most months at 12:30 pm (Aug through May)
Contact: Agnes Franzak • 505-857-9718 • agazak@msn.com
New Mexico Dahlia Society
Created in 2006, we are a local chapter of the American Dahlia Society (ADS). Our purpose is to promote interest in dahlia culture within New Mexico and to provide beneficial information regarding the growing, care, and showing of the dahlia.
Contact: Edith Iwan • 505-240-2698 • edithiwan@gmail.com
New Mexico Floral Artists
A group for people that enjoy working with plant materials while learning the art of floral design.
Meet: 4th Monday of most months at 12 pm
Contact: Christine Longthorp • 505-480-5230 • christinelongthorp@gmail.com
New Mexico Orchid Society
(NMOG) is an affiliated society of the American Orchid Society (AOS) and provides educational opportunities for all levels of orchid lovers.
Meet: 2nd Sunday of most months
Contact: Keith Mead • 505-379-6786 • orchidsinabq@gmail.com
Petal Pushers
We stimulate interest in and knowledge of different forms of gardening. Emphasis on private gardens, horticulture, culture and use of everlastings and herbs. Support Council of Albuquerque Garden Clubs programs.
Meet: 4th Tuesday of most months at 9:30 am
Contact: Susan Head • 505-235--6075 • skhead6@gmail.com
Reading @ the Garden Center
Come join us in Grace’s Room at the Garden Center to sample some great books. No need to belong to a plant club or society, although it is a great way to meet their members.
Meet: 1st Monday of most months at 4pm
Contact: Margaret Menache • BotanicalBooksABQ@gmail.com
Uptown Garden Club
We encourage interest in and knowledge of gardening and the art of flower design. Promote civic improvement, recycling and conservation. Support and encourage active participation in Council of Albuquerque Garden Clubs events.
Meet: 3rd Wednesday of most months at 9:30 am
Contact: Vicki Frye • 505-263-7750 • vaf12345@aol.com
Valley Gardeners
We stimulate knowledge and love of horticulture, encourage training in flower arrangement. Promote civic beautification and conservation of native plants.
Meet: 2nd Thursday of most months at 6:30 pm, Los Griegos Community Center, 1231 Candelaria NW
Contact: Donna Baremore • 505-361-1155 • djbaremore@gmail.com
Xeric Garden Club
Dedicated to promoting xeric landscapes which conserve water through plant selection and zoning through educational, social and community activities.
Meet: 2rd Saturday each month at 9 am in various locations
Contact: Debby Knotts • 505-269-1810 • debby@unm.edu • xericgardenclub.org
Council of Albuquerque Garden Club Affiliates
Affiliates are national, regional, state and district parent organizations of Sustaining Member Organizations, and other organizations that have a commonality of interests with Council, and that support its goals and purposes, and that do not qualify for sustaining membership.
• District 1 Garden Clubs Debi Harrington • 505-296-8208
• New Mexico Garden Clubs Debra Sorrell • 505-615-8564
• New Mexico Judges Council Suzy Andrego • 505-259-3318