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Orchid Guild October Meeting

Please join us on Sunday, October 13th at the Albuquerque Garden Center10120 Lomas Blvd NE at 1:30 PM when Bridget Uzar will present An Introduction to Tropical Ladyslipper Orchids via Zoom.

Bridget Uzar is a fourth-generation green thumb, and a second-generation orchid grower. Following in her father’s footsteps, she has been at Carter and Holmes Orchids in Newberry SC for over twenty years but has been around orchids her whole life, essentially growing up under the benches.

Bridget began working at Carter and Holmes in 2002 in an everyday potting and watering capacity, eventually being given charge of the collection and breeding houses. She made her first Cattleya cross in 2008 and hasn’t stopped since. Starting in 2009, she began working on the digital photography, catalog publications and other marketing work for Carter and Holmes Orchids. Today, Bridget has been the chief grower and hybridizer at Carter and Holmes for over a decade overseeing greenhouse management and production. She also handles the company marketing emails as well as promotional material and social media.

She enjoys giving talks during open houses, to tour groups and orchid societies.

Meetings are free & open to the public – visitors are welcome.

Email for the Zoom link

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