At our May meeting we had a wonderful potluck and discussed plans for the future. The food was delicious and the conversation lively, as always. With our quorum we accepted nominations for officers and are excited to announce our officers for 2023-2024:

Co-Presidents: Donna Baremore and Judy Nickell
2nd Vice President: Jennifer Moreno
Treasurer: Gina Thoma
Secretary Michael Ann Tart
Officers were installed at the beginning of the June meeting with Mary Ann Moreno officiating.
What better way to begin the summer than filling June and July meetings with tree talks by arborist Bryan Suhr who discussed pruning and tree care. Bryan talked about having a pruning schedule for the tree beginning when it was planted to direct proper growth. He demonstrated correct tree pruning techniques and answered questions.
Bryan followed up in July with more information about tree care for various types of trees Toward the end of the meeting he led us on a tour of the Garden Center Gardens discussing the positives and negatives of different trees as well as pruning strategies for each.
After the June meeting, everyone had time to look at their own gardens and came with questions for Bryan. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to discuss issues we have with trees in our yards and to consider what species we might consider adding.
Valley Gardeners are better informed about care of our trees thanks to Bryan sharing his expertise with us.
Our August meeting will be at Los Griegos Community Center beginning at 6:30 pm. Guests are welcome. In August we will be discussing how to enter the State Fair Flower Show where many of us will also be volunteering.