The New Mexico Orchid Guild usually meets at 1:30 PM on the second Sunday of the month at the Albuquerque Garden Center, 10120 Lomas Boulevard Northeast.
Please join us on Sunday, September 10th when we will welcome via Zoom our special guest Arthur E. Chadwick of Chadwick and Sons orchids in Powhatan, VA.

His topic will be: “First Ladies and their Cattleyas: A Century of Namesake Orchids.”
He will explore the 100+ year history of United States First Ladies and the cattleya hybrids that bear their names.
The lineage of these plants provides an overview of the diverse family of cattleya species that exist in nature as well as an inside look at the renowned growers around the world who played a role in creating these enduring legacies.
Included are the fascinating stories of the actual flower presentations, many of which involved the Chadwick’s.
Check out his website
Bring your blooming orchids for show and tell. As always, great plants for sale at great prices and our monthly raffle.
Email for the zoom link
Bring a friend
Free parking and admission
All are welcome!