Please join the New Mexico Orchid Guild on Sunday, September 8th, 1:30PM at the Albuquerque Garden Center, for a presentation by American Orchid Society judge Mark van der Woerd.
Mark’s in person presentation will be:
“How to grow orchids in a grow tent”

A long time ago in a State far away, a young man went to a botanic garden and there happened to be an orchid show. He won the door prize, which was of course an orchid. And the rest is history!
Mark has been growing orchids for over 30 years, on windowsills, under lights and outdoors where possible.
However, the results were never as good as the accomplishments of “real hobbyists”.
Circumstances make us discover and try different growing conditions. A unique opportunity came along to try something new. It is now trivial to purchase tents in which you can grow orchids. In this presentation Mark will cover growing orchids in tents, under light and in high humidity. He will cover how to set up your growing area, what to watch for, and how to grow plants you could never grow before.
Your assignment ahead of the talk is this: surely you have thought “I wish I could grow….”.
Bring that idea to our question-and-answer section and we will try to discuss it.
But remember, if you want to grow in an enclosure, you must grow small plants!
Bring your blooming orchids for Show and Tell.
All are welcome
Bring a friend