Our purpose is to foster fellowship among those who share a love for roses and to educate members and the public on rose cultivation.
• Our mission is to promote and celebrate our national flower and to provide educational opportunities to increase the public's knowledge and appreciation of the rose.
Growing Roses in Albuquerque
• Do you want information about growing roses in our area? Order our guide to selecting roses, planting roses, pruning roses, fertilizing roses, growing roses. . . and more! Just $6.00 by mail. For ordering information, go
to http://www.albuquerquerose.com or pick up a copy at the Albuquerque Garden Center gift shop.
Meetings and Newsletter
• We meet at 7:00 pm on the second Wednesday of each month from September through November and from February through May. We meet at the Albuquerque Garden Center.
• Each month, a newsletter for members provides articles about roses, rose care, and rose photography, history, and lore. Articles are from local members and from rose experts other rose societies throughout the U.S.
Shows and Exhibitions

The Albuquerque Rose Society and other societies throughout the country provide opportunities to show roses grown in local gardens and to compete for awards for the best roses, rose arrangements, and rose photographs.
• Each year our spring rose show is a judged show on a weekend in May at the Albuquerque Garden Center.
• More opportunities to show roses and compete include the Santa Fe Rose Society's fall rose show and the flower shows at the New Mexico State Fair in September.
• For those who want to share what they grow, but not compete, the Albuquerque Rose Society has a rose exhibition at the Albuquerque Botanic Garden each year in September.
Our shows and exhibitions are free events and are open to anyone who wants to participate or visit. They are a good place to see roses you might want to add to
your gardens.
Albuquerque Rose Garden

The ABQRS cares for the roses at the Albuquerque Rose Garden. The garden contains more than 1000 plants of all rose types. It is located at the Tony Hillerman Library, southwest of Wyoming and Menaul behind Hoffmantown Center.
• This year, the best time to visit the Albuquerque Rose Garden is in late May or early June. Roses of all types will be blooming and it's a great place to see roses that thrive in Albuquerque.
• Beginning in early June, members will work at the garden on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 until dusk, removing spent blooms and otherwise tending the garden. Helpers are always welcome!

For more about the ABQRS, the garden, and our meetings, visit our website: http://www.albuquerquerose.com